Are there any events?
Yes! There's one event live right now!
"The Spectralverse's Digital Prison"
This event has you trapped seemingly forever in a prison which seems to self-sustain and has little hope surrounding it. You need to meet the requirements to be added to the whitelist however, the requirements are as follows:
Have a MC Java account able to join on 1.21.3.
Be a part of the SpecTech Central Hub as well as the Prison Program Discord servers.
Sign up at the Signup section using your name and Gmail, and for the message, your MC username, alleged crime committed, and whether you plead guilty or innocent.
The future of events...
From now on, we're doing things professionally. If any events are going live, you will be notified of it through mail if you're signed up with all info needed to participate, not to mention that the info of said event will now be displayed here.